Getting Started with Tessell API

This page will help you get started with Tessell API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Authorization Token

To access Tessell APIs, you will require Authorization Token. Here is how you can get Authorisation Token for yourself:

  1. Get Tenant ID and API Key while getting onboarded to Tessell.
  2. Use these params in the API # /iam/authorize as following:
curl --request POST  
     --url <>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'content-type: application/json'  
     --header 'tenant-id: here-goes-your-tenant'  
     --data '  
  "apiKey": "here-goes-your-api-key"  
  1. You can use this page as well to get Authorization Token
  2. In response, you will get an Access Token which is Authorization Token.
  3. You can use this Authorization Token to access any API