JUMP TOTessell APIsAuthorization/iam/authorizepost/iam/api-keyspostGet a list of Tessell PermissiongetDelete a Tessell api keydeleteDB ServiceView list of available DB ServicesgetProvision a DB servicepostGet a DB Service by IdgetUpdate a DB servicepatchDelete a DB servicedeleteAdd DB service InstancespostDelete DB service InstancesdeleteStarts the DB ServicepatchStops the DB ServicepatchResize DB service storage/computepatchUpdate DB Service ConnectivitypatchGet credentials for a DB ServicegetUpdate DB service credentialspatchSwitchover a DB ServicepatchRestore a DB ServicepostPatches the DB Service SoftwarepatchUpdate parameter profile/s for instances in servicepatchAdd/update an integration for the DB ServicepatchGet a DB timeline by service IDgetCleanup a failed DB service entrydeleteClone a DB servicepostView tags for the DB ServicegetCreate/update (override) tags for the DB ServicepatchDelete tags for a DB ServicedeleteUpdate DB service timezonepatchImpact assessment for update parameter profile requestpostvalidate the parameter profile.postDB Service InstanceView a list of available DB Service instancesgetGet a DB Service instance by IdgetDatabaseCreate a new database in a DB servicepostUpdate a databasepatchDelete a databasedeleteDB CollectionGet all collections for the given database-idgetCreate a collection for given database IDpostGet all collections for given database IDgetUpdate collection for given collection IDpatchDelete collection for given collection IDdeleteLoad collection into memory for given collection IDpostRelease collection from memory for given collection namepostGet all indices for the given collection IDgetCreate a index for given collection IDpostGet index for the given index IDgetDelete collection for given collection namedeleteDB Service ScheduleCreates the deletion schedule for the DB ServicepostUpdates the deletion schedule for the DB ServicepatchReturns the deletion schedule details for the DB ServicegetDeletes the deletion schedule for the DB ServicedeleteReturns the details about all the automated schedules on the DB ServicegetCreates a start/stop schedule for the DB ServicepostGet the details of start/stop schedules for the DB ServicegetUpdate the status of the given start/stop schedule for the DB Service.patchUpdates the deletion schedule for the DB ServicepatchReturns the deletion schedule details for the DB ServicegetDeletes the deletion schedule for the DB ServicedeleteUpdates the given start/stop schedule on the DB ServicepatchReturn the details about the start/stop schedule for given schedule ID for the DB ServicegetDeletes the given start/stop schedule for the DB Service.deleteCompute ResourceView a list of available Compute ResourcesgetGet a Compute Resource by IDgetDelete a Database ServerdeleteView a list of available Compute Resources that can be used for newer provisioninggetResize a Database Server Compute ResourcepatchDB Service ACLCreate or update the DB Service ACLspatchRevoke DB Service ACLsdeleteGet list of all the users by privileges for the given DB ServicegetDB Connection PoolGet list of connection pools for the DB ServicegetCreates a new connection pool for the DB ServicepostDelete an existing connection pool for the DB ServicedeleteUpdate an existing connection pool for the DB ServicepatchSample DatasetReturns details about sample datasets that can be loaded in the given DB ServicegetControls if the sample data loading suggestions should be shown for the given DB ServicepatchGet details about existing sample datasets being/already loaded in the given DB ServicegetSubmits a request to load sample-dataset in given DB Service.postAvailability MachineGet a list of Availability MachinesgetGet details about an Availability MachinegetGet a list of accessible DataflixgetDelete the Availability Machine and the associated data (if any) including snapshots, sanitized-snapshots, and backups.deletePause the automated backups for a Availability MachinepatchGet snapshots and pitr catalog of the Availability MachinegetAllow backup download for a Availability MachinepatchGet sanitised snapshots catalog for the Availability MachinegetResume the automated backups for a Availability MachinepatchGet native backups catalog for the Availability MachinegetGet list of ACLs for an Availability MachinegetCreate or update ACLs for an Availability MachinepatchRevoke ACLs for an Availability MachinedeleteGet list of users which are eligible to grant access for an Availability MachinegetGet download url info for the backupgetGet list of all the users by privilegesgetGet size consumption details for Tessell Data Management Machinegetdataflix-controllerGet Dataflix by AM idgetSnapshot and BackupGet list of snapshots for an Availability MachinegetSubmit a request to capture the associated DB Service's snapshotpostGet details about the specified snapshotgetSubmit a request to delete the snapshotdeleteCreate download url for the backuppostGet the restore or clone information for the specified snapshot or the recovery-timestampgetView a list of available Tessell BackupsgetCreate backup for the snapshotpostget backupgetSubmit a request to delete the backupdeleteGet list of sanitized snapshots for an Availability MachinegetSubmit a request to sanitize the specified snapshotpostGet details about the specified Sanitized SnapshotgetSubmit a request to delete the Sanitized SnapshotdeleteSLA PolicyGet the RPO policy configuration associated with an Availability MachinegetUpdate RPO policy configuration for an Availability MachinepatchData Access PolicyGet list of Access Policies (DAP) that are associated with an Availability MachinegetCreate a new Access Policy for an Availability MachinepostGet details about an Access PolicygetDelete an Access PolicydeleteUpdate an Access PolicypatchView details about a Tessell Dap CataloggetUpdate users of an Access PolicypatchData SanitizationGet list of Sanitization Schedules that are associated with an Availability MachinegetCreate a new Sanitization Schedule for an Availability MachinepostGet details about a Sanitization SchedulegetSubmit a request to delete the Sanitization ScheduledeleteUpdate a Sanitization `Schedule`patchData ScriptGet a list of ScriptsgetRequest to create a new ScriptpostGet information about a ScriptgetUpdate the specified ScriptpatchDelete the specified ScriptdeleteUpdate the Script's maturity statuspatchGet Tessell Script versionsgetCreate a new Tessell Script VersionpostGet Tessell Script versionsgetDelete a new Tessell Script VersiondeleteDownload Tessell Script ContentgetUpload Tessell Script Version blobpostGet list of ACLs for the ScriptgetCreate/update the Script ACLspatchRevoke Script ACLsdeleteGet list of all the users by privilegesgetPersonasGet a list of PersonasgetCreate a new PersonapostGet upgradable list of Personas for all the PersonasgetDelete a PersonadeleteUpdate a PersonapatchPrivilegesCreate a privilegepostDelete a privilegedeleteUpdate a privilegepatchUsersGet list of all the usersgetCreate for a new userpostAccept invitepostChange current user's passwordpostForcefully reset password for a userpostLogin a userpostAcquire new access-token using refresh-tokenpostLogout a userpostForgot PasswordpostReset password for a userpostReset password for a user when password has been expiredpostGet details of a usergetDelete a userdeleteUpdate a userpatchUpdate self profilepatchChange status of a userpostUserpoolGet list of all the userpoolsgetCreate for a new userpoolpostDelete a userpooldeleteUpdate a userpoolpatchRolesGet a list of RolesgetSSO/iam/ssogetIdentity ProvidersCreate a new integration with an Identity ProviderpostGet a list of integrated Identity ProvidersgetUpdate an Identity ProviderputDelete an Identity Provider integrationdeleteDB Service BenchmarkFetch list of supported benchmarks (catalog)getFetch benchmark catalog entry by idgetFetch list of current benchmarksgetCreate new benchmark requestpostFetch benchmark by idgetSubscriptionReturns details about the Tessell SubscriptionsgetCreate a new Tessell subscription.postReturns details about the Tessell SubscriptionsgetSubmits request to get the subscription detailsgetSubmits request to update a Tessell SubscriptionpatchSubmits request to delete a Tessell SubscriptiondeleteSubmits request to enable or disable a Tessell SubscriptionpatchAdds cloud type to a new Tessell subscriptionpostEnables or disables a cloud type in a Tessell SubscriptionpatchUpdate regions for a cloud type in a Tessell SubscriptionputAdd regions for a cloud type in a Tessell SubscriptionputAdds users to a Tessell subscriptionpatchRemoves users from a Tessell subscriptiondeleteGet subscription's users' detailsgetGet users which can be added to the subscriptionget/subscription-service/governance/subscription-metadata/byoagetTrack the progress of the ongoing subscription creation operationgetResubmits failed Tessell SubscriptionputSkip a particular step in the subscription creation flowputGenerate a script to register any compute resource with tessellgetRegister a compute resource after executing the scriptpostEncryption KeyGet a list of Tessell Encryption keysgetGet a list of eligible Tessell Encryption keysgetGet a list of eligible Tessell Encryption keysgetCreates new encryption keypostGet a list of Tessell Encryption keysgetDisable Encryption KeypatchEnables Encryption Keypatch/encryption-keys/registerpostCreates/updates encryption key aclspatchRevokes encryption key aclsdeleteGet list of all the users by privilegesgetUpload encryption key file blobpostPassword PolicyUpdate Tenant Password PoliciespatchGet Tenant Password PoliciesgetNotificationGet notification countgetAcknowledge notificationspostGet notifications summarygetReturns the events for the usergetVPCGet a list of VPCsgetGet VPC by NamegetGet Default VPC ConfigurationgetVPC GovernanceGet a list of VPCs as an administratorgetCreate a VPCpostGet VPC as an administrator by NamegetDelete a VPCdeleteRegister VPC from a BYOA subscriptionpostGet ACL (Access Control List) of a VPCgetModify ACL (Access Control List) of a VPCpatchDelete ACL (Access Control List) of a VPCdeleteGet a list of Users with allowed accesses for a VPCgetApply action on a VPCpatchGet a list of Subnets of a VPCgetList VPCs from a BYOA Subscription to register in TessellpostGet VPC and it's Subnets from a BYOA Subscription registered in TessellpostEdit registered subnets of a VPC from a BYOA subscriptionpatchList VPC Endpoints from a BYOA Subscription to register in TessellpostList Security Groups from a BYOA SubscriptionpostList Route Tables from a BYOA SubscriptionpostList Private Link Scopes from a BYOA SubscriptionpostVPC Peering GovernanceGet a list of VPC Peerings of a VPCgetCreate a Peering between VPCspostGet VPC Peering by Name for a given VPCgetDelete Vpc PeeringdeleteCreate a VPC Peering using AWS CloudformationpostGet Cloudformation URL for VPC PeeringgetGenieEnable Genie for a specific database systempostDisable Genie for a specific database systempostRequest access to VMs of a specific ÐB_SERVICEgetRequest access to VMs of a specific ÐB_SERVICEpostget genie config for a tenantgetExtend Genie expiry timepatchGet status for a specific Genie requestgetDownloads connection detailsgetService PlanGet a list of Tessell Service PlansgetTessell AppGet a list of Tessell Appgettessell-cloud-controllerGet a list of enabled clouds in TessellgetAdd a cloud in TessellpostSoftware LibraryGet a list of all software images. Using the name filter, a software image can be found using name.getGet Software Image by namegetSoftware Library GovernanceDisable Software ImagespatchEnable Software ImagespatchRestrict Software Images to certain regionspatchRestrict Software Images access to set of PersonaspatchList Software Images (including disabled ones)getGet Details of Patchable Software Image Version identified by ImageId and VersionId.getAd DomainReturns all Ad Domain available.getReturns an ad domain.getAd Domain GovernanceGet List of Active Directory DomaingetRegister an Active Directory DomainpostReconfigure an Active Directory DomainpatchDeregister an Active Directory DomaindeleteIntegration GovernanceGet a list of supported Integration TypesgetGet Integration Type by IdgetGet a list of active Integrations (consumer view)getGet active Integration by Id (consumer view)getCreate a new IntegrationpostGet a list of active IntegrationsgetGet active Integration Details by IdgetDelete an IntegrationdeleteUpdate an IntegrationpatchCreate/Update ACLs of an IntegrationpatchRevoke access of given users on an IntegrationdeleteGet a list of all users along with role they are eligible on an IntegrationgetComputeGet a list of Compute Profiles.getGet all available vcpus, even if some are disabled for an usergetCompute GovernanceGet all compute profiles.getEnable/Disable compute profilepatchUpdate compute regionspatchParameter ProfileGet a list of supported Database Parameters for all Database Engines with default configurationgetCreate a new Parameter ProfilepostGet a list of Parameter ProfilesgetDelete a Parameter ProfiledeleteUpdate a Parameter ProfilepatchCompare two Parameter Profile configurationgetCopy Parameters of one Parameter Profile to other Parameter ProfilespatchReset Parameters of Parameter Profile to its default valuespostGet a list of available Parameter ProfilesgetCheck if Parameter Profile is deletable or notgetProvide Services/Instances that are using the Parameter ProfilegetDB ProfileGet a list of available Tessell Database Options Profile TypesgetGet Options Profile Types by namegetCreate a new Options ProfilepostGet a list of available Database Options ProfilesgetGet an Options Profile by namegetGet a list of available Tessell Database Options ProfilesgetGet an Options Profile by namegetDelete an Options ProfiledeleteUpdate an Options ProfilepatchDB Profile ACLsCreate/Update ACLs of a Parameter ProfilepatchRevoke access of given users from a Parameter ProfiledeleteCreate/Update ACLs of an Options ProfilepatchRevoke access of given users from an Options ProfiledeleteGet a list of all users along with role they are eligible on a Parameter ProfilegetGet a list of all users along with role they are eligible on an Options ProfilegetUpdate Options Profile's Maturity StatuspatchUpdate Parameter Profile's Maturity StatuspatchTicketGet ticketsgetCreate ticketpostGet ticket by idgetUpdate ticketputOpen/Close a ticketputUpdate watchers list for a ticketpatchGet global watchers listgetCreate global watchers listpostUpdate global watchers listputConversationticket's conversationgetPost ticket notespostAdd attachmentpostagentControllerGet agent listgetGet agent by idgetLogs/logs/downloadget/logs/streamget/logs/task/{taskId}get/logs/workflow/{workflowId}get/logs/resources/logfilesget/logs/resources/i/logfilesget/logs/resources/i/loggrouppost/logs/resources/logfiles/cloud-infoget/logs/resources/i/loggroups/{logGroupName}/service-instance-infoget/logs/resources/aws/loggroup/i/update-retentionpatchMonitoring/monitoring/metrics/avg-db-loadpost/monitoring/metrics/top-dimensionspost/monitoring/metrics/extended-perf-metricspost/monitoring/metrics/top-processesget/monitoring/metricsget/monitoring/compute-resources/summaryget/monitoring/service/{id}/features/{feature-name}get/monitoring/service/{id}/features/{feature-name}patch/monitoring/infrapost/monitoring/infrasget/monitoring/infra/{id}get/monitoring/infra/{id}delete/monitoring/infra/{id}/active-db-servicesget/monitoring/deployments/{deployment-id}getLicense GovernanceReturns a list detail of licenses from directory.getRegister license into license poolpostDeletes an existing license from directory.deleteEventReads event for the current user.getSuppress an event typepatchUnsuppress a previous suppressed event.patchPaymentView a list of Tessell InvoicesgetGet Invoice By IdgetCreate a payment option update requestpostUpdate payment optionpatchCancel payment option requestdeleteGet default payment optiongetMetering/billing/metersget/billing/billspost/billing/billsget/billing/ratesget/billing/creditsget/billing/credits/{id}get/billing/summaryget/billing/profileget/billing/profilepatch/billing/cost-till-dategetinfra-deploymentGet regionsgetmaintenance-windowGet maintenance windows for given servicegetUpdate maintenance window config for given servicepatchGet maintenance window by IdgetUpdate maintenance windowpatchTrigger maintenance windowpostApply Maintenance Window TaskpostRemove task from existing maintenance windowdeleteservice-refresh-controllerRefresh service with parent service's snapshot or pitr.patchFetch all the refresh schedules for a servicegetCreate refresh schedule for a servicepostUpdate the refresh schedulepatchDelete the refresh scheduledeleteUpdate the refresh schedule statuspatchcloud-resourceGet details of outbound access requests from the vpc / vnetgetAllow private cp dp endpointspostEncryptionKeysAdminViewValidate encryption key permissions for a keypostGet the encryption key policygetList Encryption Keys from a BYOA Subscription to register in TessellgetRegister Encryption Key from a BYOA Subscriptionposttessell-notification-profile-controllerCreate a Notification ProfilepostGet Notification ProfilesgetGet Notification Profile by IDgetUpdate a Notification Profile Info by IdpatchDelete Notification Profile corresponding to given iddeleteAdd a Notification Profile DestinationpostDelete a Destination corresponding to given destIddeleteUpdate a Notification Profile Destinationpatchstorage-controllerfsx-netapp-service-controllerGet FSx NetApp(s) available for Provisioning DB servicesgetfsx-netapp-admin-controllerGet FSx NetApp(s) registered with TessellgetGet the FSx NetApp policy to enable access of resouces from awsgetGet FSx NetApp registered with TessellgetUpdate creds of FSx NetApppatchSync details of FSx NetApp with cloudpostDiscover FSx NetAppspostRegister FSx NetApp if not already registeredpostDe-Register FSx NetAppdeleteDiscover Storage Virtual Machine(s) for a FSx NetApppostRegister FSx NetApp Storage Virtual Machine if not already registeredpostDe-Register FSx NetApp Storage Virtual Machinedelete/storages/governance/fsx-netapp/{fsx-id}/metricsget/storages/governance/fsx-netapp/{fsx-id}/volumes/{volume-id}/metricsgetalert-controllerCreate Alert ProfilepostGet a list of alert ProfilesgetGet Alert Profile by IdgetUpdate a Alert Profile by IdputDelete Alert Profile corresponding to given iddeleteCreate Alert EntitypostGet Alert EntitiesgetGet Alert entitygetUpdate a Alert Entity by IdpatchDelete Alert Entity corresponding to given iddeleteactivity-centerReturn all activities to the usergetProvides ability to marks one/all notifications as read/notified for the current logged-in userpatchrpo-policyGet a list of RPO policiesgetGet details about a RPO policygetGet a list of custom RPO policiesgetCreate a new custom RPO policypostGet details of a custom RPO policygetUpdate a custom RPO policypatchDelete a RPO policydeleteUpdate RPO Policy maturity statuspatchGet details of Availability Machines which are using the RPO policygetazure-netapp-admin-controllerDiscover Azure NetApp Accounts(s)postDiscover Capacity Pools(s) for a Azure NetApppostRegister Azure NetApp if not already registeredpostRegister Azure NetApp Capacity Pools if not already registeredpostDe-Register Azure NetAppdeleteDe-Register Azure NetAppdeleteGet the Azure NetApp policy to enable access of resources from azuregetGet Azure NetApp(s) registered with TessellgetGet Azure NetApp registered with TessellgetGet the Azure NetApp Quotas for a regiongetSync details of Azure NetApp with cloudpostazure-netapp-service-controllerGet Azure NetApp(s) available for Provisioning DB servicesgetexadata-infrastructure/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/discoveryget/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}/vm-clusters/discoveryget/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructuresget/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}get/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}delete/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}/vm-clustersget/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}/vm-clusters/{cluster-id}get/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}/vm-clusters/{cluster-id}delete/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/registerpost/infrastructures/exadata/infrastructures/{id}/vm-clusters/registerpost/infrastructures/exadata/vm-clusters/{id}/metricsgetPowered by Edit registered subnets of a VPC from a BYOA subscriptionpatch https://{server}/network/governance/vpcs/{name}/subnets/register